Consulting Services

How to run a successful junior program!

Daniel Spatz offers you his expertise on developing junior tennis programs at your local club, or private academies.

Daniel’s experience comes from his passion, knowledge, credentials, and more importantly: PROVEN RESULTS!

He will personally visit your club or academy, and will work on and off the court to assist you to grow your junior program!

Services Include:

  • Organizing a complete junior program from scratch. Division of the groups: based on age and level.
  • Supervising an already existing junior program. How to improve. How to make it bigger! Quality practice!
  • Junior specific training. Daniel Spatz will visit your club and personally works with your juniors!
  • Making the transition from Junior to College, or Pro level. Getting ready for the tour! How to get there!
  • A “Coaches Clinic” at your club or academy.
  • Specific training for Teaching Pros.

If you want to improve your quality service, your quality teaching, Daniel Spatz has the answers and solutions!

[pullquote1 quotes=”true” variation=”blue” textColor=”#336699″]”Teaching tennis is my joy, my passion…..transmitting my experience makes me happy!”[/pullquote1]

5 thoughts on “Consulting Services”

  1. Daniel,
    I just heard that you had left Mirasol. We’ve been so busy with a renovation, the move and piano competitions that Alessandra and Siena were not able to get on the courts this season. I’m saddened that you are not here anymore. You are/ were the BEST and sorry we never got that coffee. Please let me know the next time you are in town. I was told you were moving to Mexico. Congratulations. You will be sorely missed. Love, Carolina, Alessandra and Siena

  2. Buenas noches, Daniel. Estoy interesada en saber donde lo puedo localizar a usted. Tengo dos hijas que juegan tenis y al observar sus videos me interesa mucho la forma facil en que deja usted ver las cosas. Admirable, pues no mata la ilusion y deja a los niños o personas interesadas en aprender que no es imposible, si se hace una buena practica y se enseña bien. Le agradeceria mucho, usted pueda enviarme la direccion donde lo puedo ubicar o telefono para poderlo ubicar. Nosotros vivimos en Miami,por lo que puedo entender usted tambien. Espero su respuesta. Muchas gracias

  3. Este es mi segundo intento por encontrar la direccion del lugar donde Daniel Spatz enseña.
    Ojala puedan enviarme informavion sobre la academia, gracias

    1. Quisiera poder hablar con usted mi telefono es 3058157797 mi nombre es Mariana Zuñiga. Espero recibir su llamada. Gracias

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